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a UNIQUE concert

of ALL




120 Exclusives Homages

From all around the World


F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

"one of the most extraordinary concert events in music history"

Lawrence Ball


"a stellar line up of world class composers in a monumental event dedicated to the iconic Philip Glass”

Bil Smith


"This is the marathon of Nicolas Horvath. His ten-hours mission: to explore beautiful new music, to seek out new music and new composers, to boldly go where no man has gone before."

Douwe Eisenga


"a superhuman feat!"

David Toub


"Hats off to Nicolas Horvath and his mighty endeavor GlassWorlds"

William Susman


"I admire Nicolas boldness in taking on such an expansive project"

John Luther Adams


"Horvath is doing a great thing for new music!"

Tom Chiu


"an epic event"

Andrew Chubb


"a truly historic concert"

Steve Kornicki


"a great homage to a great composer"

Daniel Lentz


"a wonderful project"

John Psathas


"un épico concierto"

Leoncio Lara Bon


"a unique and tantalising idea"

Tom Service - The Guardian


"a memorable cultural event in the life of Minsk" - Nikita Evening


"an epic solo recital"

Orlando Weekly


"Nicolas Horvath made a powerful case for Glass as a late Romantic, a MinimaLiszt as it were"

Paul A Epstein


"a feat of concentration and stamina, and I admire that tremendously. Again Bravo"

Jed Distler





“A feeling of recitation, restrained pedal, richness of sound and intelligent characterisation of the different levels..Clearly an artist to keep one's eye on.”



“Horvath’s playing is simply jaw-dropping, his dynamic range knows no bounds. He penetrates and illuminates the quiet, contemplative passages with the intensity of a highly focused beam of light.”


E V E N T S​

J U L 


July, 2015  


various places - mini concerts




September 6, 2015  

Orlando - GlassWorlds

alongside with the American Hommages


N O V 


November 1, 2015  

Odessa - GlassWorlds

alongside with the Hommages

from the East


March 2015


The first Naxos - Glass album is now out, and critics are excellent. 

We are all back from the glorious Carnegie Hall world premiere of all Glass Etudes last January. Also pleased to have receive the participations from Régis Campo, Jaan Rääts and Alvin Curran. 

Now we are working on the European première of the Etudes (also launch concert of the 1st Glass album). 

This summer more GlassWorlds are in their way specially one i am working for years : an oustide GlassWorlds on a top of a mountain in July, starting at sunset and finishng at sunrise ! 




October 2014


Very long time no news. 

As most of you knows, i had a very busy summer, and no strong internet connection to be able to update the website. 

Unfortunately some minor changes : 

The Montpellier concert is once more delayed to an unknown date (due to the terrible flood there) 

The Japan tour has been pushed in 1 year 

Also finaly a release date for the Glass Vol #1 cd had been chosen by Naxos : March 2015 (beg for USA & UK end for the rest of the world) . Needless to tell you that we are trying our best to organise as much concerts as possible.

There will be also some Glass concerts, and some of them should be in a very "special way".  

Also, unless i got a better offer, Naxos Classical wants to release all the Homages after the end of the Glass Edition.

Now i am preparing a GlassWorlds in Minsk along side with the premiere of the Tirol Concerto.

No new composer added, but the website is still updating as i receive the promised Homages ! 



June 2014


Some great news again !

I am in discussion with a classical label to release a boxset with all the Homages. I was aiming it for mid 2015, but i really think that it is totally impossible. 2016 Should be way more 'do-able'.

The Glass Edition Vol 1 'the Opening' is finally complete. It took much more time that i could imagine, but i am really very proud of the result.  

So far 2 more GlassWorlds are on their way : one should happen in Netherland at end 2014 and another one in Rennes (France) in January 25th 2015. 

To complete this update, there are new composers added to the list : 

Eleanor Alberga (jm), Andre Vindu Bangambula (cd),

Hervé Celcal (Martinique), Brent Michael Davids (American Indian), Nkeiru Okoye (usa), Eric Moe (usa)

Juhani Nuorvala (fin), Gary Powel Nash (usa),

Amir Pourkhalaji (irn), Amy Rubin (usa), 

Martin Scherzinger (za)


May 2014


Back from the fury of April : the world premiere of GlassWorlds at Palais de Tokyo & the recording of 3 more volumes of the Glass Edition for Naxos.

For the one who where there, succes was high, and event was great. So there is one promo video of the concert, and more than that, some great great news! 


As you can see, there will be much more dates of the GlassWorlds, we are working to bring it to many various place.

Also we are working with some great luminaries to a gigantic new version of the concert : the Glass's Lights, but ... it is too soon to give you all the details. If you are very curious about it, 2015 will be your year! 


But before that, it is our true honor to tell you that more composers are joining us ! 


Enough talk, here they are : 

Helios Azouley (fr), Eve Beglarian (usa), 

Carl Bergstroem-Nielsen (dk), Michael Blake (za),

Alvin Curran (usa), Gustavo Chab (ar), 

Pierre Even (lu),  Jim Fox (usa),

Ahmad Al Khatib (pse),  Daniel Lentz (usa), 

Justin Lépany (fr), Yan Maresz (fr), 

Chiel Meijering (hol), Mauricio Pauly (es), 

Craig Shepard (usa), Alexey Shmurack (ukr), 

Howard Skempton (uk), Matteo Sommacal (it), 

Tom Sora (de), Nikolaii Westgarth (uk), 

Akiko Yamane (jp), Marc Yeats (uk)



March 2014

The GlassWorlds' website project is on line. You can find most of the informations about its genesis, its program and also everything relating to all the composers that are participating. This website can also being used as a program tool for the concerts themselves as it is not possible to print such an enormous detailed program. Thank you for visiting it!

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